Find Your Impact Activism & Volunteering, Clubs & Orgs, New Students, two How will you make an impact at Berkeley?
GBO Leader Experience Activism & Volunteering, featured, one, Student Spotlight Steps to becoming an Orientation Leader.
Why Join a Club @ Berkeley? Activism & Volunteering, Clubs & Orgs Why they joined & what students love about their clubs.
Uniquely Berkeley, Part 1 Activism & Volunteering, Clubs & Orgs, Explore Campus, New Students Celebrating all that is unique about Cal!
My GBO Leader Experience Activism & Volunteering, Explore Campus, New Students, Student Spotlight What is it like to be a GBO leader?
3 Sustainable Orgs Academic Opportunities, Activism & Volunteering, Alternative Academics, Clubs & Orgs, Student Spotlight 3 of many environmentally-friendly student clubs.
Earth-first Clubs & Values @ Cal Activism & Volunteering, Alternative Academics, Clubs & Orgs Eco-conscious ways to get involved.
Student Clubs & Orgs: Where to Begin? Activism & Volunteering, Clubs & Orgs, New Students, Student Spotlight Advice for finding clubs and orgs at Berkeley.
Campus Clubs: Finding & Applying Activism & Volunteering, Clubs & Orgs, Student Spotlight Navigating the process of joining clubs at Cal.
Green Clubs & Student Advocacy Activism & Volunteering, Admissions, Clubs & Orgs, Student Spotlight Activism at UC Berkeley, then and now
Hello…We’re GBO Leaders Activism & Volunteering, New Students, Student Spotlight What it’s like to be a GBO leader.
Discovering Black@Cal Activism & Volunteering, Clubs & Orgs, Community & Identity, Student Spotlight All about the Black@Cal community.
Alternative Spring Breaks Activism & Volunteering, Alternative Academics, Clubs & Orgs Alternative Breaks inspires students to become civic leaders.
Maximize Berkeley Activism & Volunteering, Clubs & Orgs, First-Gen, Health & Wellness, New Students, Study Tips Maximize your time at UC Berkeley by getting involved, healthy, tutored.